How To Enter
Before completing an entry form, please review the information below, including submission requirements:
- All digital health resources developed, produced, published or updated between 1/1/2024 and 3/31/2025 qualify for the Spring 2025 Digital Health Awards.
- All submissions must be in English. Make sure to provide us with a direct link (URL) to the English version of your entry.
- Complete all information requested on the entry form. All required information is noted with an asterisk*.
- You may submit as many entries as you'd like. After your first entry form is complete and added to your cart, you may continue completing as many entry forms as you wish, before completing your order and checking out.
- All entries must be active throughout the judging period (April 25 through May 23, 2025). Submissions that are not accessible during the judging period may be disqualified without notification.
- Provide a single direct link (URL), to your entry. One URL per entry.
- If applicable, provide us with access codes (user name/password). If your entry is password protected, you must provide login credentials. Any provided access codes must be active throughout the entire judging period (April 25 through May 23, 2025). Our judges will not create an account in order to review an entry. Entries that violate this policy will be disqualified. See below for requirements for entries with access codes.
- Campaign entries — The separate elements of your campaign must be treated as individual entries and submitted on separate entry forms.
Free bonus with your entry: You can opt-in for a free one-year, no-obligation membership in the new Digital Health Association, now the home for the Digital Health Awards. This is the first association exclusively dedicated to professionals working in all digital health fields.
Important Submission Requirements
Special Requirements for Web-based Digital Health Entries:
- Banner ad series* submissions — You may submit a series of banner ads on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your banner ad series. The URL you provide should link to a single page which lists links as "Ad 1, Ad 2, Ad 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first banner ad in the series with a "next ad" step through for each.
- Infographic series* submissions — You may submit a series of infographics on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your infographic series. The URL you provide should link to a single page which lists links as "Infographic 1, Infographic 2, Infographic 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first infographic in the series with a "next infographic" step through for each.
- Webinar series* submissions — You may submit a series of webinars on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your webinar series. The URL you provide should link to a single page which lists links as "Webinar 1, Webinar 2, Webinar 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first webinar in the series with a "next webinar" step through for each.
Portal submissions — On the entry form, you'll be asked for a sub-category selection.
Special Requirements for Digital Health Media / Publications Entries:
Additional fee applies to some categories within this entry classification
- Article submissions — Provide a direct URL to a single article. IMPORTANT: Do not submit the full publication in which the article appears. You may submit as many articles as you'd like, but only one (1) article per entry.
- Article series* submissions — You may submit a series of articles on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your article series. The URL you provide should link to a webpage which lists links as "Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first article in the series with a "next part" step through for each. IMPORTANT: Do not submit the full publication(s) in which the articles appear.
- Blog post submissions — Provide a direct URL to a single blog post. You may submit as many posts as you'd like, but only one (1) post per entry.
- Blog post series* submissions — You may submit a series of blog posts on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your blog post series. The URL you provide should link to a blog page which lists links as "Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first blog post in the series with a "next part" step through for each.
- Booklet/Brochure submissions — Provide a direct URL to a single digital booklet or brochure. These submissions should be no longer than 50 pages in length (over 50 pages should be submitted in the "book" category. You may submit as many booklets/brochures as you'd like, but only one (1) booklet/brochure per entry.
- Booklet/Brochure series* submissions — You may submit a series of booklets/brochures on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your booklet/brochure series. The URL you provide should link to a single page which lists links as "Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first booklet/brochure in the series with a "next part" step through for each.
- Editorial Animation or Illustration submissions — Provide a direct URL to the full editorial piece (article, blog post, newsletter) in which the supporting animation or illustration appears.
- Magazine and single newsletter submissions — Provide a direct URL to a single issue only. You may submit as many issues as you'd like, but only one (1) issue per entry.
- Email series or Newsletter series* submissions — You may submit a series of e-mails or newsletters on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your series. The URL you provide should link to a webpage which lists links as "Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first issue in the series with a "next part" step through for each.
- Audio and video submissions — Provide a direct URL to a single stream or download. Only one (1) stream or download per entry. You'll be asked to provide a running time on the entry form.
- Audio and video series* submissions — You may submit a series of audio or video entries on the same topic. Provide a single direct URL to your entry. The URL you provide should link to a webpage which lists links as "Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc." Or, you may provide a link to the first part in the series with a "next part" step through for each. You'll be asked to provide a running time for the complete series on the entry form.
- Tell us the platform(s) on which your entry can be properly displayed. Select web browser or mobile device (see entry form).
*Additional fee applies
Special Requirements for Digital Health — Social Media Entries:
- Provide a direct link (URL) to your active social media feed.
Special Requirements for Mobile Digital Health Resources Entries:
- Provide a direct link (URL) to a demo video showing an overview of how your mobile app works. Or, you may provide a mobile app demo that works within a standard desktop-based web browser using a tool such as Figma. A PDF featuring screenshots and descriptive text communicating how your app works will also be accepted.
- Tell us the format on which your entry should be displayed. Select responsive design, smartphone, tablet or watch (see entry form).
- For entries in the Text Messaging category, you must provide a direct link (URL) to either a demo video or PDF of sample text messages and description of how your entry works.
Requirements for Connected Digital Health Entries:
- Provide a direct link (URL) to a demo video showing how your connected digital health entry works.
Requirements for Personal Digital Health Devices / Wearables Entries:
- Provide a direct link (URL) to a demo video showing how your device/wearable entry works.
Requirements for Entries with Access Codes (user name/password):
Additional fee applies
- If applicable, access codes must be provided on the entry form.
- Codes must not require registration. Our judges will not be asked to register or provide personal information during their reviews; entries that violate this policy will be disqualified.
- Codes must be active throughout the judging period (April 25 through May 23, 2025). If the codes provided are not working during the judging period, the entry may be disqualified without notification.
- Codes you provide must allow up to four (4) judges to access your entry individually.
- If you are unable to provide a user name/password, please provide a direct link (URL) to a demonstration video, online presentation, or PDF file with screen shots, so that our judges will be able to review your entry.
Requirements for Special Instructions / Background Information (PDF):
Additional fee applies
- If special instructions are required, or you would like to provide background information about your entry, you may upload a brief document in PDF format (2 pages maximum, no more than 10MB in file size). Use the appropriate field on the entry form to upload the PDF.
Entry Deadline: March 28, 2025
Basic Entry Fee: $85 per entry*
*Some entry categories and options require extra fees due to extra processing involved and/or additional time required for judging.
Credit card payments accepted (VISA, MasterCard and American Express). Sorry, we do not accept payments by check.
Contact us:, or call 1-800-828-8225 (weekdays 9-5 Central time).